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Přihlásit pro přidání komentářeRozhovor: Filip si letěl do USA splnit sen, přivezl Ford Mustang Fastback 1968
14 komentářů
Parada :yes: :yes: :yes:
... a na fotkách se tváří, jako kdyby mu umřel křeček ;-)
On se tvari, netvari...ale ona je hezka sestrenice! :-!
Jo i ten Mustang ujde, i kdyz se mi zda ze za nej preplatil? ;-\
Jo i ten Mustang ujde, i kdyz se mi zda ze za nej preplatil? ;-\
Diky za gratulace :-) doufam ze se vam ty sny taktez splni :-) jinak krecek neumrel, ale ja na tech fotkach ani nemel byt ale holt nedorazila modelka tak jsem to musel vzit za ni :-)
Sny se mají plnit, nejen o Vánocích :yes: Že mi se víc líbí ta slečna než to auto, už není podstatné >:D Ameriky mají něco do sebe. Tak hodně šťastných km přeji ;-)
Pokud se takhle tváří člověk který si splnil sen, rád bych věděl jak vypadá ten co dostal služební auto které nechtěl. ;-)
I'm the person who had this car in the US and sold it to Filipe. I'm so glad to see that the car has a great future ahead of it. It was hard to sell it after owning it for 26 years but it was time to let it go at the time I sold it.
Hi Charles!
Nice to hear from you! How did you find this article? Are you learning Czech? :-)
Nice to hear from you! How did you find this article? Are you learning Czech? :-)
Sorry, no knowledge of the Czech language. I did visit there a few times back in the late 90s, but like most Americans I failed to learn the language.
I was wondering about the car one day and out of curiosity I googled your name and the word Mustang and came across this article. I was so surprised to actually find something and happy to see that the car was being enjoyed.
I used google translate to get some idea about what was said in the article, but google translate is not great as I am sure you know.
Sorry, no knowledge of the Czech language. I did visit there a few times back in the late 90s, but like most Americans I failed to learn the language.
I was wondering about the car one day and out of curiosity I googled your name and the word Mustang and came across this article. I was so surprised to actually find something and happy to see that the car was being enjoyed.
I used google translate to get some idea about what was said in the article, but google translate is not great as I am sure you know.
Hey thats amazing .. yeah car is really being enjoyed and i am really happy to have it .. Do you have facebook? If so please ping me i would be very happy to add you to my friend list and we can talk time to time .. if not then here is my gmail
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